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Custom GunZ will likely be realized tonight/tomorrow early (july 29/30) This post and the forum will undergo some significant cleaning if this comes to pass, as well as a site ( or a variant) will be set up. I know many stupid things have passed in the last 3 or so months, including my quitting *cough* however I am back and am now working on the server. Depending on whether or not certain admins return, we may also be hiring.


 Finally, something...

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-03-30

Finally, something... Empty
PostSubject: Finally, something...   Finally, something... I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 11:37 pm

ok, so I haven't done anything in a while... actually, I have, but I keep getting new ideas halfway through... ill upload a ton of stuff soon if I can get finished xD......... RIGHT! anyways, heres the first part of the set im working on. Earlier I was gonna get some screenshots, but I had to fix something and now the server i use wont start. not a big deal, it worked earlier, ill get it sooner or later..... but anyways, here you go. And yes, it does work.

Finally, something... SilentsCoat1
Finally, something... SilentsCoat2
Finally, something... SilentsCoat3
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Finally, something... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally, something...   Finally, something... I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 7:54 pm

[Admin]SilentSound wrote:
ok, so I haven't done anything in a while... actually, I have, but I keep getting new ideas halfway through... ill upload a ton of stuff soon if I can get finished xD......... RIGHT! anyways, heres the first part of the set im working on. Earlier I was gonna get some screenshots, but I had to fix something and now the server i use wont start. not a big deal, it worked earlier, ill get it sooner or later..... but anyways, here you go. And yes, it does work.

Finally, something... SilentsCoat1
Finally, something... SilentsCoat2
Finally, something... SilentsCoat3
interesting texture
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Finally, something...
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